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Tracking rail standard kit

The TR-320 includes a set of 80cm/31.5" aluminum pipes to construct a 320cm/126" tracking rail. The dolly offers high-performance bearings and a specialized tracking system to prevent derailing. This allows smooth moving shots on either straight or curved rails. With a simple screw-in mechanism, pipes can be easily and firmly assembled, which enables a quick set up. The CR-90 curved rail and the EX-160S straight extension rails are also available, which offers more shooting flexibility.
Operation manual
Specification sheet
Service parts
Weight 11.3kg / 24.9lb
Rail length 320cm / 126"
Payload 60kg / 132lb
Skids mounted at the dolly axle and inside of the rail slide prevent the dolly from derailing when it comes to the curve. Skids will also adjust skew on straight rails to provide smooth movement without any adverse affect on the image.
Shaft-bearing integral casters absorb shock and weight in order to provide super smooth movement on the rail without any adverse affect on the image.
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