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Thank you for visiting at Caper!!
2012.10.30 update

Million thanks for visiting us at Caper!


Special kit news
2012.10.01 update

Attention to all Customers.

we are happy to announce the following Deal-of-the-Year!
Starting immediately, Libec LX5 or LX5M has ZC-3DV included as kit at no cost!
For more information on this amazing deal, contact your participating Libec dealer today!
Order now while supplies.
New LX5 / LX5M “Best-in-class”  Tripod System has payload of 4kg / 9.0lbs         
The ZC-3DV is a Zoom Control for LANC (Sony, Canon) and Panasonic.

Limited time offer by Participating Dealers only available.
Please check the participated dealer list!


DV Expo 2012
2012.08.29 update
Dear All
We will participate DV Expo 2012 at Pasadena. Our booth number 207.
Please check out our latest gears SWIFT JIB50, REMO30 and new LX series
as well as new RS modified version!
Quite look foward to seeing you
DV Expo 2012
Pasadena Convention Center
Pasadena, CA
September 19-20, 2012

Thank you for visiting at SET !
2012.08.28 update
Million thanks for visiting us at SET!

Chinese website fully redesigned.
2012.08.21 update
Following Domestic, International and US site, Chinese website fully redesigned as well.

Now LTV featuring videos also available to watch!

We hope the simplified design of the website will make it easy for you to understand more about us, Libec.

Go to Libec Chinese website
LTV, Featuring videos uploaded!
2012.08.17 update
Featured videos about SWIFTJIB50 and REMO30 uploaded on LTV !
These videos helps you to understand well about new products through various
kinds of shooting situations. Video for setting up also uploaded.
 We hope you enjoy the videos ! 

"ZFC-5HD Notice" Iris adjustment for Panasonic cameras
2012.07.26 update
This is the notification regarding the adjustment of iris for Panasonic cameras by controling ZFC-5HD.
When the remote terminal φ3.5 (focus for Panasonic) is connected to the Panasonic cameras released after August 2009,
manual mode is not available as the iris is fixed to the auto mode.
Detailed information is available for download in PDF.

click the PDF image to download

We Are Moving!
2012.07.25 update

The office of Libec Sales of America is moving to a new location at;

20695 S. Western Ave., #242, Torrance, CA 90501

Phone number and fax number remain the same.
The official move date will be on Monday, August 6th
All the staff at Libec Sales of America is happy to serve you from the new location!


Thank you for visiting our booth at Telemundo !
2012.06.28 update
Muchas gracias por visitar Telemundo

espectáculo en México !!

In regards to our repair service
2012.06.26 update

Libec Sales of America, Inc. is very pleased to announce our new AUTHORISED SERVICE CENTER
in Partnership with well known TRANSYLVANIA FILM/TV Company in Burbank, California.

Continuing with our growth and providing excellent service, this partnership will keep up with
the professional expectations of  LIBEC products with great Warranty.

Should you need any assistance, repair service, or for general questions regarding our products or
repair service, please feel free to contact TRANSYLVANIA FILM/TV at:

121 N. Victory Blvd, Burbank, CA, 91502, USA
Office: (818) 295-6972 ,  Fax: (818) 295-6978
Toll-Free:  (888) 372-5852

Transylvania   From Transylvania Film/TV:   
   – “ We are very excited working with LIBEC company,
      providing professional assistance for their products
      and serving their clientele”.



Thank you for visiting at Cine Gear Expo !
2012.06.05 update
Million thanks for visiting our booth at Cine Gear Expo!

Our web shop Opened
2012.06.01 update
We are very glad to inform you that customers can purchase selected items on our web shop as follows.
Million thanks to those who came to our booth at NAB convention
2012.04.24 update

Thank you for visiting our booth at NAB2012 !

 Dear Valued Customers, thank you for stopping by our booth
 and chatting with us at NAB 2012.

We are fortunate to have received lots of positive feedback and preorders for our new products including
our SWIFT JIB50 telescopic jib arm, REMO30 Pan & Tilt Remote Head,
ZFC-5HD All-In-One Zoom and Focus control, LX and upgraded RS Series.

We appreciate your time, business, and friendship. We look forward to working with you always. 
Thanks again and enjoy life.
NAB Black Diamond Award Announcement
2012.04.24 update
  We are happy to announce that we have received the prestigious
  Black Diamond Award 2012 for our New SWIFT JIB50 Telescopic Arm.
  Without your continuous support and feedback, we would not have
  developed such a professional jib solution at such a competitive price.

For more information on our award winning camera
support equipment,  please feel free to contact us anytime.
Our doors are always open to you.

SWIFT JIB50 product page
"Which camera, Which model? " updated.
2012.04.14 update
Libec announces that "Which camera, Which model?" has been updated.
Just click your camera and you’ll know the best suitable tripod from our wide product lineup.
Please contact the nearest dealer if you have any questions or inquiries about selecting a tripod system.
NAB News Release
2012.03.28 update

Click the image to check the details.

More information available on each product page




Redesigned "RS" tripod systems   New "LX" tripod systems


Zoom and focus control, ZFC-5HD


Come and visit us at NAB 2012 ! (C9519)
2012.03.28 update

We will be exhibiting at
NAB show 2012.
All Libec lineup, including various wonderful new products will be exhibited. 

SWIFT JIB50, REMO30, ZFC-5HD, New "LX" tripod systems, Redesigned "RS" tripod systems, and more...!!
We're looking forward to seeing at Las Vegas !
Venue   : Las Vegas Convention Center(LVCC), Las Vegas, USA
Date     : Exhibits 16 - 19 April 2012
Hall       : Central Hall
Booth   : C9519



Welcome to fully redesigned Libec website.
2012.03.28 update

Libec has launched a completely redesigned website featuring simple and dynamic
videos of new products.


We hope the simplified design of the website will make it easy for you to understand more about us, Libec.

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