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Year End Greetings
2015.12.18 update
SET Expo 2015
2015.08.20 update

Libec will be exhibiting at Set EXPO in Sao Paulo, Brazil from August the 25th to the 27th. We will be showcasing our new ALX series, LX series, RSP series, and lots more at booth #112b. We look forward to seeing you there.


Venue: Expo Center Norte, Exhibition Hall Red, Sao Paulo, Brazil

Exhibits: August 25th - 27th

Booth: #112b

Cine gear EXPO 2015
2015.05.27 update

Cine gear on the Paramount Studios Back Lot in Hollywood, California is a great way to get recognized for our new ALX models at Booth # 27. This awesome event will start from June 5th to June 6th. Be sure to stop by our booth, we will have some goodies for our visitors as a token of our appreciation!

Venue: Paramount Studios Back Lot in Hollywood

Exhibits: June 5-6

Booth: #27
Thank you for visiting us at the 2015 NAB show!
2015.04.20 update
Visit us at NAB 2015!
2015.04.07 update

With NAB around the corner, just a friendly reminder to stop by and get inspired at the Libec booth. In addition to our New LIBEC ALLEX models, new ALX Sliders (now in 3 lengths), and other new products, be sure to stop by for A CHANCE TO WIN 3 AWESOME PRIZES Mon-Wed @4pm! Simply stop by, register, and come back at 4pm to win. Stop by for further details. Good Luck and see you all soon!

Venue: Las Vegas Convention Center
Exhibits: April 13-16
Booth: Central Hall, C9515

New and Improved Website
2015.03.19 update

We are happy to announce our new and improved website for 2015. Check out our new style tripod systems, updated self-maintenance videos, updated product FABs (Features, Applications, and Benefits), and much more including details on this year’s awesome giveaways at our booth# C9515 at NAB.
Thank you for your continued support and Enjoy.

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